Next offered in 2026


As men we have an important and unique role to play in our families and our culture. The values around us are changing, and this makes it hard to feel confident about how we play that role. During the retreat we will explore the roots of a higher masculinity, and how we can assent and manifest this in a changing world. Join us for a weekend of companionship, sharing, and good hard work in the beautiful outdoors!

To facilitate this aim, we willĀ work with the following activities

  • Morning meditation and evening zhikr.
  • Working with our hands and bodies to transform the land.Ā Ā 
  • Open discussion and sharing of experiences and ideas.Ā 

In addition, there will be hearty food, enjoyment of wildlife, the outdoors, and each other.

"The opportunity for self-observation and personal growth that exists at these retreats is unparalleled. Not only have I had many of my own personal breakthroughs in understanding. I often go back and read my notes, writing and poems which are truly profound."

Mark Gadjos