The mission of the Awareness School is to help develop the inner life of its members.
For most of us, the inner life is a tangle of emotions, thoughts, and sensations, generated by outer stimulation and inner tendency. We think and react based on what we see and hear and what we have experienced growing up.
However, when one is lucky enough to experience a moment when the mind becomes still, we step through a doorway where a mysterious richness reveals itself. This richness is timeless and universal, and yet individual and unique.
The goal of the Awareness School is to help people step through these doorways of consciousness to find this “undiscovered treasure” within themselves.
We do this through the following:
- Courses that teach the theory and practice for cultivating awareness in one’s life.
- A membership structure that supports people in their spiritual journey, no matter their level of experience, through meditation circles, study groups, learning intensives, and personalized guidance and support.
- Intensive spiritual retreats in nature where we immerse ourselves in the practice of cultivating awareness through meditation, Gurdjieff Movements, and practical work on the land.
- Women’s Wisdom Circles, Energy Studies, and the study and practice of the 20 Count Medicine Wheel.
- Sound shamanic journeys, private sound healing sessions, and sound bowl workshops and retreats.
“If you are ready to transform on a cellular level, even if you’re not quite sure what that entails, there is no space on the planet I more highly recommend.”
Stephanie Parrish of Indigo Corners

Group work generates a certain quality of energy that contributes to accelerated transformation. It is a strong component of the school that not only develops a community, but gives rise to a new way of seeing oneself.
The process here is not to dole out techniques to recondition behavior, but to set up an atmosphere in which spiritual reality can be integrated into our very messy and beautiful human experience.
Whether it’s deepening a meditation practice, learning ways to observe oneself, or sitting in circle, we become part of a current that serves humanity. The Great Work is here for us to choose.

"This Work has become not just something I do, but rather is in essence an expression of who I am and how I understand the world. Molly and Sean have tremendous ability and grace to help me see the opportunity to Work and how to do that in every situation I come into."
Lauren Kite, Yoga Instructor
Courses & Retreats
Our courses, whether self-directed or guided, zero in on the spiritual practices of meditation and the development of presence in daily life. They delve deeply into the fundamentals of self-observation, and offer practical tools with which to learn that.
Our wisdom circles center around teachings of the 20 count medicine wheel, the subtlety of energetic exchange, and what it means to be in circle. This is our shamanistic branch of the school that explores our connection with Nature, shamanic journey, and ancestral clearing. We run a yearly 5-month women’s wisdom circle that pulls out all the stops.
Our mission at the Awareness School is to help awaken one's essential nature. Finding a spiritual community to learn and grow with accelerates personal transformation. Whether you are new to the spiritual journey or a seasoned traveler, we offer many ways to be connected and deepen your practice together. Become a member to participate in monthly or weekly community meetings, plus great benefits and discounts.
Sacred Sound
Sound healing is founded on the belief that sound in various combinations of frequencies, allowed to permeate our bodies, can move energy in our Being. I bring my professional musical skills and spiritual wisdom to the world of binaural beats and sound/light shamanic journey and incorporate 14 crystal tones alchemy bowls, overtone singing, and light language to create a healing environment on all levels from physical, emotional, mental to our etheric bodies. I offer private sound healing, sound bowl lessons and a summer Sound Camp.

Molly Knight Forde, professional classical pianist, international transformation mentor, sound shaman and author leads people to personal freedom using wisdom teachings and unique awareness methods practiced out in the world, not just on the cushion. As founder of the Awareness School, she teaches the Art of Self Observation and has been facilitating global retreats, on and offline courses, women’s groups as well as one on one mentoring for over 20 years.
She is trained in Zen Buddhism, The Fourth Way Work, and shamanism. She is also a level II certified Sound Healer working with crystal alchemy bowls and shamanic sound journey.
Her greatest wish is to contribute to the New Epoch by assisting individual transformation through expanded awareness, meditation, Sacred Dance and Sacred Sound.
Her books The Abundance Mindset and Be Present: Reflections on the Way can be purchased on Amazon.
Her CDs The Art of Dance, French, and Sound Bowl Mandalas are available on amazon.com.
Sean has spent over two decades teaching others how to explore their presence, connection to self and others and to cultivate a personal system for transformation. After spending his early adult years in the high-pressure world of finance in Switzerland, he had a longing to seek a deeper path.
After many years of travel, he found what he was looking for in the teachings of Fourth Way wisdom under the tutelage of John McPherson in Seattle and through an exploration of Sufism.
In 2007 he and lifelong partner Molly opened the Awareness School. In tandem, they lead Practical Awareness, an 8-week course in spiritual mastery through self-observation and acceptance. Through meditation, movement and a series of themes he has taught many seekers to open their hearts and minds while experiencing expansion on the physical plane.
He is currently focused on creating a permanent retreat center home for the Awareness School incorporating his passion for permaculture.

"I feel I have embarked on the challenging path of looking at what is going on in me with far more useful, practical tools than I have had access to in the past. I seem to be aware of when I am aware, noticing more content and sensation and learning not to judge."
Penelope Dorado, Translator, Jazz Vocalist
“Becoming part of the community created by our weekly gatherings has been one of the most transformational and healing experiences of my life. By practicing attention, focus and discipline, I see for the first time long-ingrained patterns that contribute to my suffering and realize that they are changing."
Monica Gosh, Legislative Aide

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