August 1-9, 2025
Join us for an 8-day journey into the exploration of Self-Remembrance.

What allows us to better understand the fire of transformation and how to keep it burning?
How do we stoke the embers daily through our own intentional effort?
We will be using fourth way techniques, the Gurdjieff movements, sound shamanic journey and nature immersion to discover the subtle art of conscious labor and intentional effort.
Remembering ourselves in the moment over and over brings us to the threshold of a deeper consciousness. Those moments bring new impressions and a reservoir of energy from which to draw.
Find out what right effort looks like in terms of our inner landscape, and how that contributes deeply to Self-Remembering.
That Remembrance brings us home to the hearth of our Being.
This summer we will also focus on the study of the three centers by pinpointing the manner in which we function. This form of self-study is through the lens of our moving, feeling, and thinking. It can reveal how often we have confusion of centers or “wrong work of centers.”
For example, there are those who often feel with their thinking, or those who fall prey to like or dislike due to their emotional center in command…there is no such thing as a neutral emotion. Many of us miss the efficacy and immediacy of the moving center by engaging the thinking for a moving activity. These are habitual ways of operating.
With our three brains functioning properly and brought into cohesion, we take in a multi-faceted impression. That kind of impression is outside of our conditioning and can then feed something higher in us.
Through meditation, gesture, movement, soul journey, yoga and connecting to others, conditions for a ripe environment of discovery is created.

The Movements
Gurdjieff Movements are unique sacred dances geared to integrate body, heart, and mind into a vehicle for Presence. Combining ancient movements, beautiful music, and a group dynamic, these dances bring about a perceptible energy shift.
"The power of the movements cannot be underestimated. They transmit certain energies that work within us to create change. As a pianist, a participant, and a teacher of the Movements, I can unquestionably say that I have seen countless people make breakthroughs in their life when the movement unlocked patterns that resided within them and were previously inaccessible."
More Details
The retreat includes a practical work project, three hours of Gurdjieff movements each day, evening zikr and/or sound shamanic journey, plus the usual fun of campfires, an extraordinary outdoor kitchen, hot showers and many ways to experience the great outdoors in comfort.
Immerse yourself in the beautiful surroundings of the Pacific Northwest.
The accommodations are shared glamping, tent camping or nearby AirBnBs. There are multiple nearby accommodations from which to choose.

August 1st - August 9th
Scholarship funding is available for those with financial hardship.
BRING YOUR OWN TENT ~ Payment plan
$333 x 3 payments
$450 x 3 payments
2025 Application Coming Soon
Why apply? Due to the depth of self-inquiry, shamanic journey and meditation at our retreats, we want to know how to best serve you and make sure this is a good fit.
Get your application in early, as we'll process them in the order they are received. All applications must be received by July 3rd; all payments must be submitted by July 11th, 2025.
Each attendee must submit a separate application.